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March 2010
April 2010
July 2010

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x


Princess Diana
Queen Elizabeth
King Arthur
Hua Mulan
Mother Teresa
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello hello, i'm here to update the blog because it's really dead. And i doubt anybody will read this but nvm
We'll be having a humanities project for term 3. So for history, we're supposed to do the external and internal threats of a certain ancient civilisation. The reccommended ones are: India, China and Southeast Asia (SEA). Also, do study for chapters 9 and 10 of your textbook which is the external and internal threats. These topics are very important!
Okay, that'll be about all(:



5:40 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2010

History ppt done by Napoleon:D


7:03 PM


Dear Diary ,
I live in an area where it is unfair . Are all the countries as bad as this ? How can they be so cruel ? I hate to be social outcast or known as , the Untouchables . A position where no one once to be . It is undesirable , accompanied with a lack of respect oe even no respect , authority, and access to society at large .
I can’t believe the caste system is so rigid . I want to be like other children being able to read and write . I wish we could learn , but , no we are outcast . Whatever our father’s do we would take after them . My father’s someone who can build ceramics . Soon, I will take over that job eventhough I’m better at sewing .
I wish and wish that I would be able to be one of the upper class like the Brahmins ,but, I know it is impossible . They choose my life . I follow .

Signing off,


6:37 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear Diary;

The night was so cold I could not sleep; fortunately the loving smell of cow manure and the regular breathing of the animals made me doze off.

Today's the first day I am going to hunt. Isn't it exciting? It's Papa's and my secret; we didn't tell Mama or Shameena. They wouldn't let you go, Papa says. In the morning I went to gather wood and again the bullies poured their urine over my head. I was so relieved; today wasn't that much. I told Mama about it and she shook her head and wiped me clean. I thought I was lucky today; why did she shake her head? I want to know.

I sneaked past Shameena and I went into the forest to hunt. I wanted to go with the other hunters, they look so big and strong. But Papa pulled me back and told me never to talk to them or their children again. I was confused; why can't I? I want to know.

I saw a deer and shot it and it fell! I let out a whoop and ran to it, and I saw hunters already there. They were picking up MY deer, slung it over their shoulders and just walked off! I rushed at their backs, but Papa pulled me back. I am so angry with Papa now. He is so much bigger than them; why didn't he get back my deer? We searched for another catch, but I guess today we have to eat grass again.

We went home and turns out Shameena was crying too. She tried making friends with the other girls at the well, but they ignored her. She tried to help them to draw water, but when she touched the jars, all the girls screamed and their mothers ran out. They used whips to drive my sister back to 'where she belongs'. (I don't know what they mean. We are all living in the same village.)

I was so angry. Shameena felt so much pain she cried the whole day. I want to cry too. My beautiful deer.


*-King Arthur*


9:35 PM

Although the caste system has been outlawed, the government made up a different name for a “caste system”, “positive discrimination”. The “positive” discrimination is in reality just another caste system, separating the higher class from the lower class. Even though the positive discrimination is considerably less severe than the original caste system, it still limits a person’s true potential. The sad story of Indian’s continual caste systems just goes to show what happens when the true God is left out of a culture.

· The lowest class is being discriminated and it cannot be helped if you are born into the lowest class. The highest class will always be teaching but if they are not clever enough, they would be passing down wrong information.
· The lower caste people were resentful of the fact that they could never rise up in their varnas in their lifetime.
· The pariahs, who were outcastes, were not even treated properly.
· A lot of empires which invaded India used the caste system for their own advantage, thus it was the Indian people who were at a disadvantage.
· People were forced to interact with only their caste as the knowledge was inbred in them. Thus, they could not see the caste system at large and had to be contented with their position in the system
· The caste system was not based on meritocracy and so people who had more intellect than the Brahmins could not rise up to that level.

By:princess diana


4:36 PM

-There would be exploiation
-There would be lack of mobility
-It is unfair to have an ascribed status
-It will cause societal problems
-It will cause discriminations
-People will not have the motivation to climb up the social ladder
- Due to the fact that Singapore is a merit based country, if the caste system is introduced, Singapore will no longer be merit based
- No progress in the nation

- There will be division of labour
- Society will be more organised as everyone will know their role and status in life
- The caste system has lasted for centuries in India and there has been no revolts so far

By: Napolean


4:06 PM

1. Why would each varna approve/disapprove of the caste system?

The Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras would most likely approve of the caste system as it either benefits them or inflicts no harm upon them. However, the outcastes will most likely disapprove of the caste system because it makes them looked down upon by others of the caste.

2. What makes it fair/unfair?

The caste system is fair because it has fixed laws and the people have fixed occupations, therefore giving the country stability. It is also unfair because people of the lower caste who may have better talents will be unable to cultivate it and rise up in society.

3. Would it be possible to apply the caste system in Singapore?

It is impossible to apply the caste system in Singapore as it is a multi-cultural country, unlike India, where Hinduism in the main religion. By applying the caste system to Singapore, which is infused with Hinduism, will raise religious disputes.
It is possible to apply the caste system to Singapore as it is a fixed hierarchy where the occupations are passed down from father to son. Therefore, we do not need to take examinations to ‘upgrade’ ourselves.

By: Napolean


4:04 PM